CEO and Co-Founder of Trinetix. According to the Forrester report, companies engaging in strategic partnerships achieve growth 2x faster than…
Author: admin
In my previous column, I discussed how pharmaceutical and medical device companies are adapting their commercial model approaches in critical…
Remote work has been a game-changer in recent years, impacting our work and lifestyle positively. Thanks to technology, professionals can…
Eran is the CEO and cofounder of ingredient brothers, a natural ingredients importer. Being diagnosed with ADHD as an adult…
A new study finds that massive volcanic eruptions happening at high latitudes caused dramatic, but short-lived climate cooling periods over…
The U.S. Census Bureau issued new long-term population projections which are gloomy for employers. The growth of the working age…
CEO, National Retail Solutions (NRS). POS, NRS Digital Media, NRS Pay, NRS Funding, NRS Purple, and NRS Petro: Helping retailers…
There is certainly no shortage of cybercriminals and threat actors in the world, but certain cyber adversaries stand out for…
The new year is almost upon us, and if you’re like most people who are passionate about self-development, you’re most…
By Nellie Akalp A holding company is a legal business entity (usually a limited liability company or C Corporation) that…