Looking for Tuesday’s Connections hints and answers? You can find them here: It’s Wednesday, and you know what that means:…
Author: admin
Brian Tuite is cofounder & CEO of Zenarate, a leader in developing top-performing customer-facing teams through AI Conversation Simulation. Having…
Well, your house burned down. But, boy, was that deep-fried turkey tasty. Totally worth it, right? Yeah, that’s not the…
The popular soda alternative, Olipop, became a B Corp this fall. Ben Goodwin and David Lester started the company with…
Developed by Hanson Robotics, “Sophia” is considered to be the most advanced humanoid robot to ever be created. With her…
Managing Partner, Montage Partners. People-first is a common phrase that companies use to describe themselves, even as many household corporate…
The 12th full Moon of 2023—the “Beaver Moon”—will grace the early evening skies as it rises in the east just…
CEO and cofounder of Cyber Leadership Institute, a fast-growing community of cyberleaders from more than 50 countries. The idea of…
It’s Wordle Wednesday, dearest Wordlers, which means that on top of solving today’s Wordle, I’m tasking you with solving a…
Ethan is the CEO of Integral, an award-winning employee experience agency. He’s a lecturer at Columbia and Trustee of the…